Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Carrum Downs Secondary College believes all students should have access to the necessary ICT tools to be successful learners within the 21st century. The use of technology to support student learning needs to be multifaceted, flexible and adaptive in approach, and the various devices utilised should enable students to have continual access to relevant information and knowledge whenever required and perform a variety of other functions necessary to support their learning. 

It is necessary for all students to have access to a laptop in all of their classes through our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. Students must have access to their own laptop and are responsible for bringing it to the College each day. Students bringing their device will be able to login to our College network allowing them access to the internet, Office 365 software, any other subject specific software they may need.

There are many benefits to learning for students who bring their own device:

  • Access at all times to our Compass portal through which students can access learning resources, become up to date with daily organisational changes, submit work and communicate with teachers.
  • Access to learning software such as digital textbooks, Education Perfect and Edrolo.
  • Capacity to bring the resources and information from the internet into their learning environment at any time.
  • Easy transfer of schoolwork between school and home.
  • Opportunities to collaborate in their learning using ICT resources through an ever-developing list of platforms including (but not limited to) Google Docs, Padlet, Kahoot.
  • Greater independence in managing their own learning and better preparedness for either further study or work.


Students bring an existing device from home that meets our requirements (see BYOD requirements tab below).



Families purchase or finance a new device from a supplier. 


Our Department of Education approved supplier Edunet handle the supply of devices for many schools and can provide advice about suitable laptops for school use. The college has no formal relationship with this vendor and receives no financial benefit if you choose to purchase from this vendor.


To access the Edunet portal go to:
Access Code: CDSC



The college can provide financial assistance to families who may not have the capacity to purchase or lease their own computer.

If you are having difficulty in acquiring a device please contact the front office and arrange an appointment with our Business Manager, Julie Westwood. 

  • The device must be a laptop computer with a keyboard.
  • Screen Size must be above 10 inches and no more than 16 inch.
  • Laptop must be able to hold charge for the entire day (charging facilities available at the school).
  • Tablets/Chrome Books and iPads are NOT considered suitable devices as they are limited in terms of their functionality.
  • Software (including antivirus) can be provided by the college or downloaded from the eduSTAR software catalogue.
  • PC must have Windows 10 or newer installed.
  • MAC must have OSX/macOS version 10.12 or above installed.

Further recommendations:

  • Protective cover and or carry case.
  • Covered by a warranty.
  • Accidental damage insurance – laptop screens are the most commonly damaged component and are often more expensive to replace than the cost of the insurance.

Ensure lockers remain locked and devices are labelled or engraved with the students’ name and details.

Link: Edunet Portal