We believe in fostering quality relationships so as to provide quality learning opportunities that can lead to quality destinations. We aim to empower young people to achieve their personal best and develop as responsible and creative members of the Carrum Downs community. Our core business is to educate our young people. We expect our teachers to provide real-life learning opportunities for our students with emphasis placed on teaching young people the value of life-long learning.
The college has identified the need to commercialise our school programs as a way to broaden the scope of learning opportunities for our students, embed strong transition processes to ensure our students reach positive destinations, and strengthen community partnerships. It is the college’s aim to provide a Cafe where members of the local community can meet and enjoy quality food and beverages in a safe, friendly and modern café environment.
We also want our students to have authentic learning opportunities by preparing food and beverages for a wider customer base. Our local youth will benefit most through having authentic learning opportunities and being prepared for the workforce. The college is very committed to providing our students with employability skills.